-No embossing
Dies up to 27 square inches
Dies between 27 and 54 square inches
Dies between 54 and 81 square inches
Dies larger than 81 square inches
- No foil
Dies up to 27 square inches
Dies between 27 and 54 square inches
Dies between 54 and 81 square inches
Dies larger than 81 square inches
$250 Set-up
$300 Set-up
$350 Set-up
$600 Set-up
Cost per book
+ 35¢/book
+ 40¢/book
+ 50¢/book
+ 75¢/book
$300 Set-up
$375 Set-up
$450 Set-up
$700 Set-up
Cost per book
+ 35¢/book
+ 40¢/book
+ 75¢/book
Embossing & Foil Combo
Dies up to 27 square inches
Dies between 27 and 54 square inches
Dies between 54 and 81 square inches
Dies larger than 81 square inches
$400 Set-up
$475 Set-up
$550 Set-up
$850 Set-up
Cost per book
+ 60¢/book
+ 70¢/book
+ 90¢/book
+ $1.30/book
Start with the size of your book, simply draw an imaginary rectangle around the area to be foil stamped. Measuring in inches, multiply width x height to get the square inches.
So if your imaginary rectangle is 5" wide and 3" tall, your die size will be 5 x 3 = 15 square inches.
If it's 2" wide and 8" tall, your die will be 2 x 8 = 16 square inches.
If it's 8" wide and 10" tall, your die will be 8 x 10 = 80 square inches.

This is only an estimation of your die size. We will give you the accurate dimension and price once your book cover design is complete.
How do I find my die size?
+ 50¢/book